Sun, Surf and Sanctuaries
Today’s offering comes to you from Portugal. We are in the last week of almost four weeks of life in Portugal. For the first 11 days of this adventure we were part of a bus tour with 42 fellow travellers along the way. Strangers on day one, became friends swapping contact info by day eleven. Amid an eclectic group of travellers, it is interesting how the conversation changed as days unfolded. Polite dinner conversation prevailed for the first few days. Then politician opinions and idiosyncrasies began to surface. That’s when the conversations really got interesting... everyone trying to speak their truth while tip toeing around potential hot button issues. Overall, moving amid people from many different countries, mostly European, has been a sort of Pentecost experience. That is, the air is filled with many different languages. Still... those from many different nations, speaking different languages are able to understand each other, each speaking in their own language. That is the gif...