Meeting Oliver

Last week David and I were thrilled to meet and cuddle nine-day old Oliver. Oliver, all legs and arms, all warmth and wonder. Like a rose bud, slowly unfurling from months in the womb. Yes, newborns arrive every day and everywhere. Still each child is so precious and unique. To be in the midst of a newborn’s breath is to experience the power of love… to be captivated at the universal wonder of life. As a friend recently said, “You look into their deep eyes and you can see where they came from.” Caress a newborn’s head and it is as if you are caressing life itself. As if we are connecting to all that is pure and holy, connecting to generations long past. At no other age are we examined so closely searching for familiarity. We examine fingers and toes. Yes. All there. Fingers and toes that seem to have a mind of their own… as if they don’t know which way to point. We search for family features. Dark steel eyes - must be like his father. Lose ear lobes - must be like his moth...