Happy International Women's Day

Today I begin with one of my favourite pictures, that of my mother and grandmother heading off to market. Meanwhile thoughts of many amazing women who have been and continue to be my guides come to mind. There are the school teachers, Sunday School teachers, piano teachers, professors, Women’s Institute friends, Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT - I never did figure out what we were in training for) clergy and 4 - H leaders. Other women are known through literature or social media where an abundance of poets, authors, scientists, theologians, musicians - courageous women of all walks of life expand my heart and mind. As I read their work on paper or screen, listen to their music, and witness their passion for equality, I am inspired by the many ways they live a vision of love and justice for all Creation. For instance, this morning I attended the annual Kennebecasis Valley International Women’s Day celebration. The theme this year - Inspire Inclusion 2024. While we be...