Clearing the way

Today’s offering is for those who like winter. If that is not your delight, then maybe skip to a cup of tea. If you happen to live in the Atlantic region I don’t have to tell you that this has been a week of snow! Winter has finally arrived! By the time you read this, you may be shovelling again! I like winter. I like snow. I love snow blowing. On Monday, it was my delight to crank up the noisy snow blower and head into the snow banks. Of course I have the luxury of not being in a time crunch with an early morning commute. I love the snow blowing in my face. It takes me back to childhood memories of windy PEI, making snow angels, laughing, eating the snow stuck to wool mitts, staying out until we cried with frozen fingers and toes, Mom ‘sweeping us down’ with the straw broom, declaring, “Don’t take that snow inside!” I like the way the blower digs through the snow. I like the straight edges. I love the way you can see where you have been. So much of my daily work re...