March the Tease

March in the Maritimes is such a tease! I am glad to see it come to an end. One day the sun is shining, the snow melting, the spring coat retrieved and winter boots tossed to the back of the closet. With feet free to step lightly, Spring feels like a major weight loss. Next day, the wind is howling, the snow falling. Back comes the winter coat, out come the boots. On a personal level, last week felt like March in spades! On Monday, the first day of Spring, we learned of the overnight death of a good friend. We knew Sue was ill, yet not how ill. The almost sudden death leaves many of us bereft. Questions linger. How can this be? What was the last conversation? Did it have meaning? Was it worthwhile? Did I listen for what was not spoken? Still it is Spring. Beneath the earth, new life stirs, shoots are reaching out and up. (like the picture above) The grief is sharp. Like the spring freezing and thawing of Earth, the joys and sorrows are entwined. ...