March the Tease

March in the Maritimes is such a tease! I am glad to see it come to an end. 

One day the sun is shining, the snow melting, the spring coat retrieved and winter boots tossed to the back of the closet. With feet free to step lightly, Spring feels like a major weight loss.

Next day, the wind is howling, the snow falling. Back comes the winter coat, out come the boots. 

On a personal level, last week felt like March in spades!

On Monday, the first day of Spring, we learned of the overnight death of a good friend. We knew Sue was ill, yet not how ill. The almost sudden death leaves many of us bereft. 

Questions linger. How can this be?  What was the last conversation? Did it have meaning? Was it worthwhile? Did I listen for what was not spoken? 

Still it is Spring. Beneath the earth, new life stirs, shoots are reaching out and up. (like the picture above)

The grief is sharp. Like the spring freezing and thawing of Earth, the joys and sorrows are entwined. 

Still it is Spring.

Mid week a loved one had a medical emergency. In a single day we plunged from fear to hope and back again. We held our breath, praying they would make it through the next minute. 

Still it is Spring. The robins have returned… although not in our yard as we are still buried in snow. Roadside litter surfaces. Spring heaves and pot holes make some roadways an obstacle course. 

Still it is Spring. 

The good news. Our loved one did make it through the next minute and the next minute after that and onward. Hallelujah for prayers and medical miracles.

Still it is Spring. With no short cuts through spring a warm breeze is like summer to the soul. Water is dripping off the eaves. Brooks are bubbling eagerly. Ice is breaking up in the rivers.  Slivers of open water peek through the ice in the creek below our home. The neighbourhood beaver was sighted taking a leisurely swim through the slim water channels near their lodge.

Still it is Spring. Time to open the windows, bring in the fresh air and watch the dust fly about - until today’s snowfall. 

It has been a tough week. One that plays itself out over and over again in our lives and homes as we dance between fear and delight.  

Still it is Spring. The Spring of new life is here! Fear does not have the last word. Hope is here. 

On this almost last day of March, the song from Lucy Maude Montgomery’s musical Anne of Green Gables whispers in my imagination.

    Open the windows, 

        sweep out the cobwebs… 

    Open your mind 

        to what is going on all around…

    Look at the sunlight…

        take off the blinkers...

    let in the daylight…

        look all around you

            life with astound you…

Indeed life does astound us. With its beauty and tragedy. 

That’s my week. What has your week been like?

Still it is Spring. 


  1. Elizabeth here. Whatever you take away, know these words come to you in a Spirit of Love. Thank you for reading. As always comments are welcome. I would love to know who is commenting. If you are comfortable please leave your name. First name and initial will be fine.

    1. Joanne Y. Thank you, always enjoy your writings !

  2. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  3. Thank you for your thoughtful writings

  4. It has been equally a full week
    Thank you for sharing
    Steven Scribner

  5. It has been a week of alarm, fear, the unimaginable shows itself life-giving, the downright ridiculous, exhaustion (shovelling snow and trying to be strong), laughter and new life - SPRING BB

    1. Thank you Beth for sharing your week.... sounds like you have felt it all!

  6. So sorry about the loss of your dear friend Sue! I am loving the signs of spring as well!

  7. Spring is my favorite season, full of hope and new beginnings. Glad to be home from Florida in the country and province I love…with the culture I love! More snow on the way but at least it will melt! Thanks for your blog, I always love it, you have a gift.

  8. A mirror of my March, put into beautiful rhythm, as you write it.
    Marg A.

  9. Spring: my favourite time of year! The cycle of life continues, new life, new change and hope for a good season ahead.

  10. We look at Spring through different lenses. Beautiful read.

  11. I take a risk every morning on my way to work…winter coat or spring wrap? LOL
    I love your blog.

  12. Thank you Elizabeth for your words. Likewise a difficult week for different reasons. Our condolences for the loss of your friend Sue and prayers that family continues to improve. Loving the spring “light” - it brings a feeling of calm and hope!

  13. Hugs and hope! ❤💔❤

  14. Thank you Elizabeth! Even with its snow showers, rain showers and the odd bit of “snain!” oh how wonderful it is to welcome the beginning of Spring. Such a season filled with hope and heaven knows we need as much hope as we can muster. God’s peace and light to you, your family and friends during these difficult days. Can’t wait to see the pictures of your travels here in the blog!

  15. Nice read as always


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