Lent n' Wills

For many of us of the Christian tradition, this week marked the beginning Lent. Perhaps you joined an Ash Wednesday service and heard the words “to dust you shall return.” You might have noticed some of your friends with ash on their forehead. My introduction to Ash Wednesday happened, when as a young adult Protestant, who knew nothing about Catholicism, I told a friend she had dirt on her forehead! And I was trying to be helpful! Wednesday David and I literally embraced the reality that ‘to dust we shall return’ as we met with our lawyer to update our wills. This has been something we have talked about for months. If you had asked me if I had an up to date will, that is reviewed every five years, I would have answered, ‘Yes.’ In reality it has been seven years! How easily time slips by. Updating my will causes me to face my mortality - something I have embraced intellectually, yet to be honest, not so much in my heart. Still the death of three close friends ...