Driving With Strangers

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon as I settled into writing today’s blog. I was just in from driving a kidney dialysis patient to their home. I do this under the umbrella of Dial a Ride - a program that coordinates volunteer drivers with patients in need of assistance with transportation. 

Driving home on this beautiful afternoon, I began to ponder, “Why do I do this?” “What motivates me?”

First I had to make a decision, a choice. To stay home or get involved. To stay with the familiar or embrace a new adventure. Over and over my Spirit chooses the unknown… such as writing this blog. 

When I head out to pick up a patient, I have a name and address. Often I am not familiar with the street or apartment building entrance. Let’s just say I am getting to know a few more streets and communities. 

Driver and passenger are strangers to one another as we meet for the first time when they take a seat in my car. Passengers are trusting me to safely get them to or from their appointments. We trust the program to have completed the proper screening. 

It is a win-win story. The patient receives an affordable friendly drive and I get to meet the most interesting people. I never know what kind of conversation will unfold for indeed everyone has a story.

From the dialysis patients, I hear about the dialysis process, how long it takes, how they feel after the ‘big flush.’ Through talking with strangers, I hear life stories, family stories, far different then mine and yet the same.  All of us trying to make the best of whatever comes our way. 

With each encounter, my horizon is broadened by the life stories of another. For that I am grateful. I am grateful for this curious Spirit that abides within. For when we sit side by side, even if for only a few minutes, I believe there is a connection. 

When trying to decide how best to spend the gift of these days, sometimes I can become stalled in wondering if ‘this,’ whatever the ‘this’ is, is going to be right for me. What is going to happen? Who will be there? And then an inner voice says, “Why not?” you are gifted with a healthy mind and body, you have the resources, so “Why not?” 

Like writer, photographer and activist (and inspiration for today's question) Jan Phillips writes, “I choose… to participate in an event that is going to take me somewhere I’ve never been.”

Whatever motivates you to seek out the unknown, be it intuition or curiosity or rising to the challenge. Call it answering to a higher power like “my mother told me to” or for me, what I believe is a Divine presence within that says, “Yes.” Or call it all of the above. 

Whatever the source, whatever it is that invites us to go beyond fear and certainty, I am grateful for the opportunity to talk to strangers. Or you might say ‘to entertain angels.’

What about you? 


  1. Elizabeth here. Comments are welcome. I would love to know who you are so if you are comfortable, please leave your name. First name and initial will be fine.

  2. I have heard of this service. I have often wondered how well the people who need this service are screened. I’m happy you are enjoying it, and those you meet are lucky to have you. Such a blessing. Cheryl M

    1. Thank you Cheryl for your comments. It is a blessing to all involved.

  3. Lots to think about
    Wendy b

  4. Love this. I will be challenging my students to be cautious, but to seek the challenge even when it is hard. Thank you, Elizabeth. Love your blog. Xox Jill Eckstone.

    1. Thank you Jill. Your students are privileged to have you as their teacher as you are to be a positive part of their formation. Another win-win story.

  5. Thank you for your sharing.
    I am an introvert, also someone who wants to give something back to the world around me because I am so blessed.
    But the internal struggle is real:
    -What good can I do?
    -I’ve already given back.
    -But what if….???
    -Maybe this is me just wanting validation…???

    Well I think one of the good things I am learning at 73 is to let go of expectations and to be less concerned about others opinions. I am who I am . Offering what I have to give when I see the need and allow the spirit to use me in whatever way is of benefit. Anthony DeMello in his book “awareness” said we always do things with a motive…. I am hoping as I age to do things for no reason other then to add to the light not the darkness.
    I wanted to stay cozy in my bed this morning but pushed myself to join a “Naturalist group” to go looking for shore birds along our coast. I am so grateful for the people I met and for the opportunity to be outside in this beautiful world. Who knows where we find the Creator?
    In the people we meet, in the natural environment, in our struggles or in our day to day encounters.
    I hope to be open enough to see the “GOD” around me and in the people who are open enough to share their journeys.
    I heard once “ Faith grows from sharing”.
    Thank you, for sharing. πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸŒŽ

    1. Well said and thought provoking. Something else to ponder..

    2. Thank you for your comments of wisdom shared. I agree faith grows through sharing. For in the sharing we reflect upon our own questions. Glad you got up and out to join the Naturalist group.

  6. Thank you Elizabeth! I so look forward to this weekly read; for the joy it brings , the odd tear shed and like today’s offering, the encouragement to say “Yes” to something new, something safe but perhaps out of the comfort zone. I wonder what Spirit has in mind!

    1. Thank you Tracy for your kind words. From my experience, you say a lot of "Yes" - welcoming creative and life giving ideas. Fasten your seat belt... who knows what Spirit has in mind.

  7. Your blogs are ever inspiring Elizabeth, you give us much to ponder. Joan.

    1. Thank you Joan. You are part of the inspiration for today's blog. I remember a story you shared of being invited to some event. Your response. "If someone invites me, the least I can do is get up, get dressed and go." or something like that.

  8. Your words and your thoughts speak to me Elizabeth. I found myself all week, no matter where I was, carrying on a conversation with a total stranger, listening instead of speaking. Amazing what can be shared between total strangers in a line up of people. Jane D

  9. Thank you Elizabeth … this is very powerful ! We entertain strangers so often but offering this gift of intentional time is a blessing … SK


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