Diversity In All Its Splendour

This evening my heart is troubled at the current political situation in New Brunswick. In particular, at today’s release of the government’s changes to Policy 713 which, in its previous state, served to protect the beauty and diversity of humanity; much like the green house you see above - protecting the plants. 

I will reserve specific comment until I have the opportunity to read the new document and hear feedback from 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals.

So for tonight, I share three good news pictures from today.

The first picture (above) is from my annual pilgrimage to wander through the green houses at Ganong’s Nursery. Row by row, the abundance and diversity of colour and texture is dazzling to behold.

The second picture is of Queen Anne's Lace that grows freely along the road side... as if intentionally lined up swaying in the breeze just to make you feel special and your drive more pleasant. 

The third picture shows several blossoms from a yellow magnolia tree that stands tall and beautiful in front of our home. Each year it weathers the winter. Sometime late winter, at a time we never seem to notice, buds appear with a promise of new life in spring. Each year these beauties appear more glorious than Solomon’s home. 

All these beauties are pure gift. I had nothing to do with planting the Queen Anne’s Lace nor the yellow magnolia. Creator provides the Queen Anne's Lace... with abundance. And Creator worked through the hands of gardeners who once upon a time called this place home.

The staff at Ganongs started the annuals I purchased today. 

The Queen Anne’s Lace simply grows where it will… bringing beauty to the world. It does not know it is a nuisance - a weed to some. It has no idea about human made boundaries. It simple grows for a season, spreads some seeds and... that’s it. 

The magnolia tree on the other hand, has been intentionally planted to share its beauty and shade to the next generation. It needs tender care. Good soil. Not to wet and lots of light. Because it is unique it holds a higher market value than the wild and abundant Queen Anne's Lace.

The marigolds, pansies and Calla Lily I planted this afternoon will bloom for a season. 

I thought about the wonder and diversity in plants and humans and how we see ourselves. 

Are you a Queen Anne’s Lace… bursting forth everywhere… ready to bloom and bloom? Ready to spread love everywhere? Not shy about your beauty? Not shy about who you are?

Or a unique yellow magnolia... needing lots of tender care to get started… fragile until you put down strong roots, yet when you bloom people gather round in awe? 

Or a marigold, pansy or Calla Lily - ready to bloom for a season and then turn to something else? 

Perhaps it depends upon the season, the day or minute. However you describe yourself, know that, like the flowers above, you are pure gift. You are beautiful.

The good news as I write - it’s raining again!


  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  2. Upon thinking about this blog, i believe i could be either or! Not shy, love meeting and greeting folks and making sure i am well rooted concerning the topic of conversation. Enjoyed your Article.

  3. Lovely thoughts about flowers and how we, ourselves, are.


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