Summer 2023

Hello All,

One of the gifts of summer is the opportunity to step out of routines. For me summer meant weeks on PEI with family, friends, sun and sand… and trying to build a gazebo. Now that’s a story for another day. All this to say it has been a few weeks since I took the opportunity to share Thoughts from Chickadee Lane. 

As August comes to a close, and we say goodbye to the long, hot days of summer and embrace a season of new beginnings, it is time for me to settle into routines.

To write and share these few thoughts has become an essential part of my week. I love putting these reflections and pictures into the world. In addition, keeping up this practice provides structure to my week. It calls me to pay attention. It helps me feel connected to you and the world beyond my doors.

As part of the transition from summer wanderings, today I though I would share a few vignettes of the season. 

 Old and New meet…

As a sign of the times, this summer at the cottage we replaced the 30+ year old electric stove with an induction heater which is more efficient, creates less heat and safer to use as the surface does not get hot.  

Wondering how it works? According to Google, the induction heating coils are powered by electromagnetic energy that's only activated by the iron in cookware. When the iron makes contact with the active heaters, the iron particles agitate causing the pan to heat up quickly. Clear?

With the new, we kept the whistling kettle - a staple at the cottage in which the familiar whistle calls out, "It's time to make another pot of French pressed coffee."

FOMO “Fear of Missing Out.” 

This summer I learned a new term -  FOMO - “Fear of Missing Out.” It seems I enjoy a serious case of FOMO. (I call it curiosity/fascination with life) FOMO keeps me by the campfire much later than is sensible. (I do not like the word sensible) FOMO pulls me into interesting conversations with strangers becoming friends. FOMO lures me outdoors in the dark of night, long after everyone has gone to bed to watch for a meteor to splash across the night sky. FOMO gets me on a paddle board. 

Perhaps you have FOMO!

Brotherly Love

Finally for a bit of humour…

Older brother Jack pokes his head out of the tent and calls out… 

“Where’s Charlie?” (younger brother) 

Parent response, “In the shower.”

Jack replies, “Darn…I have a bug here and no one to throw it at!”

There is nothing extraordinary about these moments - nothing beyond the ordinary - just passing comments of life in the present moment... something worth pondering.

As your week unfolds, may something ordinary catch your heart, ear or eye and cause you to ponder life in the present moment. May it offer a smile or two. May joy be your companion.

In Peace,




  1. Thanks Elizabeth. ,Marie Hansen.

    1. You are most welcome Marie. It was good to see Stuart at Vern's funeral. Sorry you were unable to attend.

  2. Glad you're back at it, MS

  3. Thank you, love reading your postings, I can always relate to them and it encourages me to dig a little deeper.

    1. Thank you Irene. Are you celebrating this 'not going back to school' day? :)

  4. Glad you had a good summer.Not sure I would like you new heating method, I am old fashion. Loved the bug story. Too funny. Great posting. Grace

    1. Thank you Grace. Never say never... you could surprise yourself with an induction heater. :)


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