Star Power

                                                    Roof top solar panels on Chickadee Lane

These are exciting days at Chickadee Lane! 

Last week twelve solar panels were installed on our roof. On Tuesday, the final inspection took place and with all systems go, the switch was flipped. The solar system produced power!

For me, this is a miracle on many levels. First that we live in Creation, amid a solar system, circling a star we call the sun, 150 million km from earth. 

It is a miracle how, on this far away star, atoms merge and produce light and heat that make life possible here on Earth.

It is a miracle that travelling at 300,000 km/sec, it takes eight minutes and 20 seconds for that sunlight to reach Earth and strike the solar panels on a roof on Chickadee Lane. 

It is a miracle that people can do such great things as to develop a way to harness that light energy through solar panels. Simply put, when the silicon material on the panels is exposed to photons of sunlight the silicon releases electrons which produce an electric charge causing electricity to flow. 

The electricity flows through meters, switches, cables, micro converters and computers to eventually power this computer. 

It is a miracle! An amazing achievement connecting me with Creation beyond myself!

                                                A phone screen shot of solar panel activity.

And… I can be sailing on the ferry, and from my phone watch, in live time, how much energy is being produced and consumed at home! (as you see in the screenshot above)

Another miracle.  Even on this week of rain and cloud, the solar panels continue to produce electricity. Who knew? Yet think of it. We feel the heat from the sun even on cloudy days. Still, I had no idea how much sunlight actually gets through the clouds. 

Even on days when we cannot see the sun, (and we have had our fill of cloudy days this week), the sun’s energy continues to push through the clouds, reach Earth and through the solar panels, power my computer. Amazing! 

I can’t wait to see what happens on a sunny day. 

Some people ask about the pay back. If one looks at the financial bottom line, our best estimate is ten years. 

However for me, the pay back started the moment I looked at the energy app and it stated how much electricity was being created and how much CO2 was not released into the atmosphere by using solar power. 

This decision to install solar panels, is an ethical and faith based decision, grounded in the call "to live with respect in Creation'. That being said, I realize I am in a place of privilege to have the choice. For, as someone once said, with great privilege, comes great responsibility. May this small action make a difference! 

If you live in the Maritimes, be safe as Hurricane Lee passes by. Meanwhile hearts ache for the people of Morocco and Libya. 

In Peace,




  1. It’s just amazing. Living off the grid. Good on you.

    1. Thank you. This is a very small solar project so we are not off the gird... just doing a wee bit.

  2. Well said cuz. I concur.


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