Oh the Wonder of it All - from Snowshoes to Waterfalls.

What an incredible planet we share!

On Wednesday this week, I was back on snowshoes. The sun shone on this cold winter day as once again I tried to keep up with Gig Keirstead of Elmhurst Outdoors as he led us to the top of a hill overlooking Belleisle Bay. 

At one of the rest stops (Gig does stop occasionally) a friend, Claudette, turned to me and asked, “So, what were you doing last Wednesday, Elizabeth?” 

She knew I had just returned from beautiful Costa Rica after two weeks of enjoying the sun, sand, beaches, jungle… and friends. 

I had to think for a moment. “I was at Montezuma Falls. That’s where I was last week.” That realization made me pause in wonderment at the diversity of this planet. Last week, at the falls I was bathed in 38 C. temperatures! This week, in the woods on snowshoes, it was a balmy -6 C! 

Still, the same sun shone upon us. 

Montezuma Falls is a ‘good’ hike from the Bohemian beach town of Montezuma. You will find it on a map at the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. The hike is described as a ‘moderately difficult hike.’ It may be ‘moderately difficult’ for some… for me it was just plain ‘difficult’… to hike over the rocky terrain, (occasionally through the river), that follows the bank closely, rising and falling over the tree roots and large rocks. There are ropes to help in some tricky areas. Don’t get me wrong… the hike was well worth the reward at the end. In addition to the sense of accomplishment, an amazing waterfalls, with a natural swimming pool, waited for all to enjoy. And I did. 

I made the hike only with the help of two companions, Amanda and Zahara. While I stumbled along in sneakers, Zahara bounced over the rocks and through the river in bare feet. Me like a moose on ice and Zahara like a deer gracefully leaping over river and root. When I came to a tough spot, Zahara would reach out her hand and help this moose over the rough terrain. 

Zahara, an Indian name with Arabic roots, is an interesting woman… a free Spirit… born in India, grew up in the United States, lived for awhile in Mexico and now calls Costa Rica home. 

A yoga teacher, Zahara lives close to the land in a camper with her dog and cats. She knows the land intimately. Early morning you will find her strolling along the beach, or hiking through surrounding trails.

A lover of animals, Zahara and Amanda are on watch for those in need - helping neighbours make connections with a local veterinarian. 

Should I ever be on Survivor I want Zahara and Amanda to be on my team! (If they would have me).

As Dr Seuss writes, “Oh the places we will go.” I will add, with a little help from your friends. 

Where might you go this week… with a little help from your friends? 

In Peace and Gratitude,





  1. Elizabeth here. Your comments are always welcome. If you feel okay with leaving your name I love to know who is writing. First name and initial will do.

    1. Quite the adventure Elizabeth. You are a brave soul and I loved reading this. Miss seeing you and David. Joan and Jim.

  2. This is beautiful Elizabeth! The planet is an amazing place. It was a great day and yes - I’d like Zahara and you on my team too! We miss having you and David here! See you soon - maybe on snowshoes!

  3. So happy for you both that your trip was so worthwhile with the heat and rough terrain. I think God prepared the pool so you could all cool off and gather energy for the return trip. Don't think you will be snowshoeing for a bit. Personally I love this bare ground , no ice! Grace


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